Well, this is my first major blog for music (MySpace doesn't quite count for me), so I guess a welcome to everyone is in order, right? My name is Starfox Dreamsinger, and I'm trying to get good on playing sax. Technically I started back in May 2010, but I spent about 2 years not playing (due to lack of money and time to devote to it, Life happens a lot), and came back to it a few months ago.
I play on a Palatino E(b) (E-flat) alto sax named Lucy, and although I want to get something newer and maybe prettier, you never really can let go of your first time, right? Maybe when the time comes and I have about $1200 to burn, but that's a long time from now. Lucy was a special deal, in that the store I actually bought it from matched a price $200 lower from another mom-and-pop store, so all in all it's good. Hope to have a pic of it soon.
People ask me, "Fox, what genre do you play?" It's kinda tough to pinpoint anything, because I can do kids' stuff, I can do patriotic stuff (you should hear me throw down "America The Beautiful" -- I figured out how to play it by ear!), and I can do 80's and 90's pop/AC. Not a whole lot of it, at least not yet, because I've been seriously practicing for about 5 months (regularly, maybe a little over 3), but what I've been able to pull off is nice.
What would I LIKE to play? Classic rock, alternapop, AC, smooth jazz. Thing is, I've been learning to play the vocals tracks for songs instead of playing with a band, and it's an interesting party. I mean, when you're playing vocals on an instrument, you're in control, you're leading the army, you're not willing to sit back and take orders.
In some ways, it's liberating. I've spent most of my life led by others, what others want or can take from me. Can't say it's been a lot of fun, but it does give me the chance, when people ask me why I play the sax instead of something simpler like a guitar, to tell others that I play sax because it's a great stress-reliever. Think about it -- after a rough day, I can scream all I want and not get in trouble!
Right now, I'm kinda working on building a working knowledge of several songs so I can take +Nick Moore's suggestion of that Hangout thingy and maybe play on it. Might help me gain the confidence I need to really push the limits. Okay, it's not a coffeehouse or a bar, but it's a start, yes?
Gotta go for now, doing some house repairs, but I'll be Bach again soon. hehe
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